6 Misconception about Digital Printing That We Shouldn’t Believe

The print material is crucial for improving the brand image. Print advertising is very efficient in engaging audiences and building good relationships with the target consumers. You can expand your loyal customer base with printed marketing materials. Posters, brochures, banners, letterheads, catalogs, etc., are still effective in drawing people's attention to the specific product and services.

Woodblock printing was the oldest form of printing, which originated in the region of China.  However, with time, new and new advancements are made in printing technology. At this time, you will find various types of printers to print books, fabric, newspapers, pamphlets, etc. Several printing methods are there that include offset printing, digital printing, flexography, screen printing, 3-dimensional printing, etc.

Although many of us know the importance of printed advertising materials, we get confused when it comes to choosing the right printing technique. Every printing technique has its own advantage; first, you need to identify your own specific printing needs. However, we personally recommend digital printing methods for promotional material. This printing style has many pros: it's cheap, superior, flexible, less time-consuming, etc. Despite so many benefits, people have many myths about digital printing, which need to be dispelled. Some of them are following:

1. Digital Printer Is Expensive

Digital printing is one of the inexpensive methods to print publicity material. Unlike offset printing, digital printing techniques offer less cost for the production of a small number of units. You can save a lot of money for your organization by choosing this printing method. Besides this, this printing is quite faster than other printing technologies and saves you time too.

2. Digital Printing Is Not For Large Prints

Digital printing is one of the inexpensive methods to print publicity material. Unlike offset printing, digital printing techniques offer less cost for producing a small number of units. You can save a lot of money for your organization by choosing this printing method. Besides this, this printing is quite faster than other printing technologies and saves you time too.

3. Digital Print Is Not Environmental Friendly

Yes, digital printing indeed uses more ink than the traditional printing style, but at the same time, it requires less harmful substances. Moreover, this printing method leaves less residue and waste. Digital printing reduces air pollution and protects trees as all designs are saved on computers instead of paper. Therefore, it is one of the eco-friendly ways to produce prints. If you want to contribute to the environment, you should pick digital printers for your marketing material.

4. Digital Printing Requires Expensive Ink

Many people have a myth that only exorbitant and high-quality ink goes best with digital printers. However, it's not like that. You can use normal ink for everyday work; it will give superior results. The cheaper ink cartridges or any congruent printer ink are idle for digital printing. You can use them in your digital printer hassle-free to save some bucks.

5. It's Impossible To Personalize Digital Prints

The digital prints are fully customizable. You can request your digital printing partner to personalize your promotional material at your convenience. For example, you can change the receiver's name and the text on the thanks card. In addition to this, digital printing is the best for customized packaging. You should opt digital printing style to personalize the packaging of your products and elevate your profits.

6. Digital Print Results Poor Coloring

It is another common myth about digital printing that has no meaning. The digital prints are incredibly attractive and produce absolutely crispy & sharp. Digital printing offers high color fidelity and vibrant shades. You can also control shadows by choosing this printing method.

Wrapping Up:

Planning to print the promotional material for your business, go with digital printing without worries.  There are a plethora of agencies that offer digital printing services at affordable prices. You can contact them by phone and discuss your particular printing needs.