What is Gout? Reason? Symptoms and treatment?


Since ancient times, gout has been known as a disease of the "rich". According to evaluation, the pain caused by gout is a hundred times worse than labor pain. So what is gout? Reason? What are the treatment and symptoms? Let's find out with us now.

What is gout?

Gout, also known as gout, is a type of arthritis caused by a disorder of purine metabolism in the kidneys, which prevents the kidneys from filtering uric acid from the blood.

This is a common disease in men, characterized by sudden pain in the middle of the night and red swelling of the joints, especially the joints in the big toe or the joints of the knees, ankles, feet, hands, wrists, elbows, and even the spine.

Gout at what age? According to statistics, more than 80% of gout sufferers are men over the age of 40. There are also some subjects at high risk of gout such as:

       People who are lazy to exercise, people who are overweight and obese.

       People with a high-protein diet such as red meat, animal organs, etc.

       People regularly use stimulants such as alcohol.

    People with a history of gout, or people with diabetes, kidney failure, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, etc.

       Women in menopause.

       People who regularly use drugs such as aspirin, diuretics, chemotherapy drugs, etc.

Advanced stages of gout

Based on the severity, gout is usually divided into stages such as:

Stage 1: asymptomatic hyperuricemia

The level of uric acid in a person's blood can rise without any obvious symptoms.

At this stage, the patient will notice the first symptoms of gout after suffering from kidney stones.

Stage 2: acute gout

At this stage, the sudden deposition of uric crystals causes acute inflammation and severe pain, which usually subsides within 3-10 days.

Patients will often see tophi spots appear on the cartilage of the ear, elbow, big toe, heel, instep, and heel tendon.

Stage 3: gout with chronic tophi

At this time, the patient will see the appearance of tophi particles under the skin, will have difficulty in the process of moving and grasping.

If these tophi particles burst, they will cause joint infection, extremely dangerous sepsis.

Is gout dangerous or not?

Gout is a chronic disease that causes many patients pain and suffering. And if not treated in time, it will cause dangerous complications such as:

       Bone and joint damage, joint deformity, ankylosing spondylitis, hemiplegia, disability, etc.

       Causes kidney damage such as glomerulonephritis, nephritis, renal failure, kidney stones, etc.

       Causes many other diseases such as physiological impairment, peptic ulcer disease, small bowel inflammation, high blood pressure, obesity, cerebrovascular accident, myocardial infarction, etc.

Symptoms of Gout

For people with gout, there will often be some signs and symptoms such as:

Severe joint pain:

       This is one of the symptoms of gout, the patient will experience pain and tenderness in the big toe. Some other areas are also affected such as ankles, knees, elbows, wrists, and fingers.

       Gout attacks can be most severe within the first 4-12 hours after onset.

Joints are inflamed and red:

One of the telltale signs of gout is that the affected joints become swollen, tender, warm, and red.

Prolonged discomfort:

This is one of the symptoms of gout, when the severe pain subsides, the patient will feel discomfort in the joints for a few days to a few weeks.

Unable to move around:

As gout progresses, there are times when the person will not be able to move the joints as they should.

Causes of gout: there are many causes of gout, namely:

Primary cause

The primary cause of dangerous gout is genetic and geographical factors.

Patients with gout, in this case, will have higher endogenous purine synthesis than normal people, so uric acid levels in the blood also increase proportionally

Secondary cause

Secondary causes of gout are often caused by external factors that cause the amount of uric acid in the blood to increase sharply, namely:

       Due to diet: eating too many foods and drinks containing purines such as red meat, animal organs, fatty fish, mushrooms, uncontrolled alcohol consumption, etc. is the cause of uric acid levels. The blood is elevated, which causes gout.

       Due to obesity: this is one of the causes of gout. According to statistics, people who are overweight or obese are 5 times more likely to develop gout than the general population.

       Due to lead exposure: Too much lead in the body will cause uric acid metabolism disorders in the blood, thereby causing gout.

       Due to the influence of drugs: using some drugs such as thiazide diuretics, Parkinson's disease drugs, aspirin will reduce uric acid excretion through the kidneys, uric acid metabolism disorders will cause gout.

       Due to age and gender: According to statistics, men are the most susceptible to gout because men's bodies produce more uric acid than women.

       Due to other health problems: People with high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney failure, and kidney problems are at a higher risk of developing gout.

Gout and its treatment

To treat gout, it is necessary to have solutions to reduce uric acid levels in the blood, thereby reducing pain and prolonging the time of recurrence, namely:

Treat gout by changing diet and activities

When suffering from gout, patients can improve by making lifestyle and dietary adjustments.

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Gout and how to treat it with folk remedies

Treat gout effectively with wormwood

       Prepare ingredients: 1 handful of wormwood leaves and 2 tablespoons of honey

       Wormwood washed thoroughly, soaked in diluted salt water.

       Then take it out to drain, pound it and filter the juice.

       Dilute 2 tablespoons of honey with wormwood juice and drink it at noon and in the afternoon of the day.

How to treat gout with green beans

       Use 30g of whole green beans soaked in warm water for 30-60 minutes.

       Then take out, bring to boil with filtered water.

       After ripening, eat in the morning or evening before going to bed for about 1-2 hours.

Thus, We have just revealed information related to gouts such as causes, symptoms, and treatment. Hopefully, the article has brought useful information to help you prevent and treat this dangerous disease.

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