How to File a Long-Term Disability Claim for Mental Illness

Mental illness is more common than people think. Many middle-aged and elderly people tend to be affected, and it can affect their ability to live their life as intended. Many struggle to work, and may even lose their jobs.

If you feel that you may be dealing with a mental illness, then seek professional help. You may be eligible for long-term disability (LTD) compensation if your symptoms are so severe that you are not able to function, let alone work.

What types of mental illnesses qualify for long-term disability?

There are a myriad of illnesses that can impact a person’s ability to think, behave, and function. There are also many different types of mental disorders that you should be aware of. Examples include post-traumatic stress disorder, panic and anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, and personality disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Some patients may respond to therapy, while others improve with medication. Some may require a combination of the two, while some patients may not respond to any treatment modality. Recovery may be ongoing and unpredictable, which may necessitate long-term care.

Coverage will depend on the policies at your workplace. Some insurance firms will actually require that you apply for Canada Pension Plan benefits in order to help cover some of the expenses involved in your long-term disability care.

You will need to obtain a legitimate medical diagnosis from a licensed and qualified doctor or health care professional.

Keeping a daily record of your health condition is strongly recommended. Document how your mental health impacts your ability to perform day-to-day chores. Your records will serve as evidence for your LTD claim, and the data can be used by your doctor in order to prescribe the best course of treatment.

How to Prove Long-Term Disability and Mental Illness

Schizophrenia, personality disorders, generalized anxiety, and clinical depression are very serious health conditions that can affect your social, work, and family life. You may need to file for long-term disability benefits as a result.

You need to collect the necessary evidence in order to help support your claim. You also need to be aware of how your policy defines disability. It can be hard to prove or quantify how an “invisible” illness has negatively impacted your life to the extent that you can no longer work for the foreseeable future.

Any physical symptoms that you have experienced as a result of, say, your anxiety or depression can help build your case. These include psychosomatic symptoms, which are usually considered to be debilitating.

You also need to prove that you have sought out medical help in order to treat your mental illness. Documented proof of appropriate psychiatric or psychological intervention, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, aversion therapy, psychotherapy, and/or medical prescriptions, may be required.

Why should you hire an attorney for a long-term disability case?

The procedure can be very time-consuming, confusing, and intimidating. Many people give up during the filing process or have their claims denied because so much work is involved. An attorney will take care of all of the paperwork so that you can focus on your recovery.

They will navigate the treacherous legal waters, and deal with all of the bureaucratic red tape and tight deadlines on your behalf. Many insurers are suspicious about the legitimacy of LTD claims for mental illness, as such illnesses are hard to measure.

They are also not in the business of losing money, and may fear that people may abuse the system in order to not have to work for a living. As such, hiring an attorney who specializes in long-term disability claims will give you the highest chances of getting your claim approved.

Your claim settlement will be expedited, helping you receive the financial support that you need sooner rather than later. Avoid stress and other problems that may arise from having to deal with incredulous insurance companies by letting your attorney take care of such matters.

Get Help

Many insurance companies will try to deny your claim, or may only provide you with short-term benefits. They may even hire private investigators to spy on you to see if you are pretending to be ill.

They will also browse through your social media channels in order to try and find any red flags that can end your benefits. However, if you are legitimately ill, then they will be unable to use such evidence against you.

The end goal is to recover so that you can return to work and enjoy your life again. Hire an LTD attorney to help file all of the necessary paperwork on time, and seek medical help in order to cure, or at least manage, your mental illness.

Hundreds of millions of people suffer from mental illness. You are not alone. Please get help.

Jessica Coates is a blogger in Toronto. She graduated with honors from the University of British Columbia with a dual degree in Business Administration and Creative Writing. Jessica Coates is a community manager for small businesses across Canada. When not working, she leisurely studies economics, history, law and business solutions.