Dispelling Myths Related to Suboxone Treatment for Opioid Addiction


There are already millions of Americans who are addicted to opioids, and the majority of them are unlikely to be able to break free from their addiction without medical assistance. Many believe that overprescribed medicines in the 1990s were the origin of the opioid epidemic. In 2010, heroin use and other addictive substances became part of the epidemic.

To treat opioid addiction, patients typically receive both counseling and medicines like Suboxone. It is one of the best available tools for the treatment of addiction. You might be starting to think, "Where can I find a center for Suboxone treatment near me?"

Unfortunately, some people have inaccurate information about the drug and don't understand its function in treating addiction. This article gives a list of the most common misconceptions about Suboxone to dispel those myths.

1 - Suboxone merely switches out one drug for another

For years, the cornerstone of addiction treatment has been abstinence. However, the failure of that approach, mainly when used without ancillary therapies like talk therapy, in-residence monitoring, and other supports, has prompted the medical profession to reevaluate medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction.

Once you know that addiction is a persistent medical disease, it is more logical to treat it with medicine, just like you would treat high blood pressure for example.

2 - A drug abuser will probably abuse Suboxone

While technically an opioid, Suboxone also contains an antagonist, significantly lessening the pleasurable effects of full agonists like fentanyl, heroin, oxycodone, and morphine.

A persistent drug user is less likely to abuse or overuse it because, as an opioid addict, your body wants much more potent narcotics, and Suboxone lessens your desire for them.

3 - Nobody will believe I'm in recovery if I take Suboxone

Stigmas from society can be hard to live with. It's challenging to purposefully place yourself in a situation where people, particularly those you care about, will hold you in lower regard. However, if you're an opioid addict, you already live with that stigma, so you shouldn't let the criticism from an uninformed public stop you from getting the best help.

Try to educate those in your support system while leaving the rest to their own devices. After you're, your new, clean life will speak for itself.

4 - Suboxone overdose can happen just as easily as with other drugs

Suboxone on its own makes it very challenging to overdose. Suboxone has a built-in "ceiling" effect because it is only a partial opiate receptor agonist, making it far more difficult to overdose than other opiates. Suboxone can only activate the opioid receptors to a certain extent. Thus the risk of slowed breathing isn't as high as with more potent opiates like heroin, oxycodone, or morphine.

Suboxone overdoses almost always occur when users combine the medication with sedatives like benzodiazepines, which also slow respiration.

5 - Suboxone usage should be limited to a brief length of time

There are several opinions among experts about how long Suboxone treatment should persist. However, there is no proof to support the idea that Suboxone should only be taken temporarily rather than kept on for the long term. It is similar to how someone would control their diabetes with insulin over the long term. Patient preference is what matters most in the end.

6 - Suboxone is all I need to be cured

Suboxone is an effective addiction treatment, but it is even more efficient when combined with other conventional therapies like group and individual talk therapy. It is better to have more support. To make it easier for you to reintegrate into your life and community, we can advise you on where and how to access resources.

7 - If you don't receive therapy in addition to your suboxone medication, it won't be effective

Addiction treatment should ideally incorporate medication, counseling, recovery coaching, and support groups. However, that does not imply that if only one element is present, no therapy for addiction may be considered adequate. Due to faults in our healthcare system and a lack of skilled clinicians, only 10–20% of patients with opioid use disorder are now receiving proper treatment for their ailment.

As a result, even while the goal of combination treatment is desirable, it is unreasonable to anticipate that all addicts would receive the necessary components of care. Suboxone alone, without counseling, has been shown to be an effective form of treatment.


Treatment of opioid withdrawal symptoms with Suboxone has proved effective in the past. It can reduce pain and stop cravings so patients can concentrate on other parts of their treatment. Suboxone is the first drug for opiate addiction that has been authorized for a prescription from a doctor's office. If you are searching where you can find "Suboxone treatment near me", get in touch with Cooperative Recovery.