Network security: keys, importance and main points to consider

The growth of cyber threats has made more companies willing to invest to improve the security of their networks and to prevent leaks of sensitive data.

With the rapid advancement of information and communication technologies, global cyber threats have also developed at a rapid pace, so the number of data breaches is increasing every year. This means that network security has become essential to safeguard the information of all types of organizations.

No client will entrust their confidential data to a company with security problems. Ultimately, installing protective barriers safeguards one's reputation. This means that Mexican entities and those around the world must have specialists who can prevent any negative security event and invest in the protection of their networks. This includes all policies and practices that are required to be adopted to prevent unauthorized access, misuse or modification of a computer network, as well as unauthorized downloading of corporate data.

In general terms, protection technology is made up of several layers of defense at the perimeter and the network itself. In each layer, policies and controls are implemented to prevent the passage of malicious users who can attack system vulnerabilities, while allowing access to certain authorized persons.

Network security keys

There is no company whose network is completely and absolutely secure. However, measures can be applied to minimize the impact of a possible cyberattack and different mitigation strategies that considerably reduce the risks.

In terms of network security, when faced with a threat, the key strategies are:

      Anticipation and prevention. You need to be prepared in advance with a robust response plan that helps prevent breaches. Preventing and detecting advanced threats, zero malware, ransomware, phishing, in-memory exploits, and other attacks both inside and outside the corporate network.

      Detection and analysis with intelligent security. Once the threat is detected, the first thing to do is determine the cause of the incident in order to try to contain it. It is essential that the attack trajectory is monitored, the incident is documented, and the response is classified and prioritized based on its severity.

      Triage and analysis. It is essential to evaluate all the protection efforts implemented to give the best response. This assessment will include: binary and endpoint analysis.

      Containment, eradication and recovery. Once a damage materializes, it must be contained. In addition, it is important to create a backup of all compromised devices, systems or networks, in case it is useful for future forensic inspections.

      Application of changes. Once the attack is over, it is necessary to apply the necessary cybersecurity modifications to prevent it from happening again. This means that the incident response plan needs to be updated to reflect the new procedures.

The growing relevance of network security

Currently, cyber threats are clearly on the rise. A RiskBased Security report revealed that globally some 7.9 billion records were exposed by data breaches in the first nine months of 2019 alone. This figure represents an increase of 112% compared to the same period in 2018.

 In Mexico, 2021 has been the most dangerous year in terms of cyber attacks on homes and businesses, due, in large part, to the implementation of new work, communication and coexistence modalities derived from the pandemic. The Panorama of Threats in Latin America 2021, prepared by Kaspersky, shows that the country ranks second in the region in malware attacks, with more than 299 infection attempts per minute.

 With these ever-increasing threats, the International Data Corporation predicts that global spending on cybersecurity solutions will reach $133.7 billion by 2022. This shows how important network security has become in recent years and the essential role played by subject matter experts.

Points to consider for an information security strategy

When selecting a good information security strategy for a corporation, it must be taken into account that it must include:

Asset Management

It implies the design, establishment and implementation of a procedure that allows the identification, evaluation, classification and treatment of the most important information. Necessary:

      Carry out a detailed inventory of computers, corporate cell phones, tablets, servers, software, monitors, projectors and computer equipment in general.

      Classify the information considering the three properties of computer security: confidentiality, integrity and availability.

      Apply the measures required for data protection.

      Safeguard the media to prevent unauthorized disclosure, modification or removal of stored information.

Operations security

It includes all the tasks aimed at ensuring the proper functioning of the equipment where the data is processed. Between them:

      Establish and document the procedures and responsibilities that are carried out.

      Guarantee the installation of systems and applications in accordance with the established security requirements.

      Monitor the capacity of servers and devices.

      Control the antivirus systems of the company.

      Make backup copies regularly.

Incident management and disaster recovery

It is important to establish a plan to deal with any eventuality, defining responsibilities and procedures.

Access control to systems and applications

Physical and logical policies should be instituted to:

      Ban access to critical applications and restricted areas.

      Manage entries and process credentials, permissions, attributes and authentication measures.

      Manage users and divide functions.

      Apply strong passwords.

Security Awareness

It includes training of users in security policies, the use of their systems in a safe way and practices that include maintaining awareness of cyber risks.