Bill Gates Early Life and Net Worth

Bill Gates is an entrepreneur and businessman, born October 28, 1955. He and his partner Paul Allen founded and built the world's largest software company, Microsoft, through technological innovation, keen business strategy, and also aggressive commercial tactics.

Gates became one of the richest men in the world. A lot of interesting things have been said about bill gates. I know you might be so interested in knowing more about this great man, relax and read on.

Early life of Bill Gates

Great Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington on October 28, 1955. He is the son of William H. Gates Sr. 1925 and Mary Maxwell Gates (1929-1994).

His father was a prominent lawyer and his mother served on the board of directors of First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way.

Bill Gates' maternal grandfather was JW Maxwell, who was the president of a national bank. Bill Gates has an older sister, Kristi (Kristianne), and a younger sister, Libby.

Bill Gates is also known as William Gates III or "Trey." His family lived in the Sand Point area of ​​Seattle in a house that was once damaged by a rare tornado when Gates was nine years old.

In his early days, Bill Gates observed that his parents wanted him to pursue a career in law. When Gates was still young, his family regularly attended a church of the Congregational Christian Churches, a Reformed Protestant denomination.

Bill Gates: Education

Bill Gates was a voracious reader as a child; He spent many hours poring over reference books like the encyclopedia.

When Bill was 13 years old, he was enrolled in Seattle's exclusive Lakeside School. He excelled in almost all of his subjects; he excelled in math and science, but also did very well in theater and English.

While Gates was studying at Lakeside, a Seattle computer store offered to provide computer time for students. The Mother's Club used the proceeds from the school rummage sale to purchase a teletype terminal for all students to use.

Bill Gates became engrossed in what a computer could do and spent much of his spare time working on the terminal.

Gates wrote a tic-tac-toe program in a computer language that allowed users to play against the computer. Gates graduated from Lakeside in 1973.

Gates enrolled at Harvard University in 1973, previously thinking of a career in law. But in his freshman year, he spent more time in the computer lab than in class.

To his parents' dismay, within two years, Gates had dropped out of college in 1975 to pursue his business, Microsoft, with partner Paul Allen.

Bill Gates' family life, wife and children

In 1987, at the age of 32, Gates fell in love with a 23-year-old Microsoft product manager named Melinda French.

Melinda was a perfect match for Gates. Over time, their relationship grew as they discovered an intimate and intellectual connection. On January 1, 1994, Melinda and Bill got married in Hawaii.

Due to the devastating death of their mother from breast cancer just months after their wedding, Bill and Melinda Gates took time off in 1995 to travel and gain a new perspective on life and the world.

In the year 1996, they had their first daughter, Jennifer. Their son, Rory, was born in 1999, and a second daughter, Phoebe, arrived in 2002.

Bill Gates career

In 1975, Bill Gates and Paul Allen formed Microsoft, a mix of "microcomputer" and "software."

Initially, the company started in a shaky position, in the year 1979 Microsoft raised approximately $2.5 million. Gates was placed as head of the establishment. With his software development acumen and keen business sense, Gates led the company and served as its spokesperson.

After developing software for IBM, between 1979 and 1981, Microsoft's growth skyrocketed.

Staff increased from 25 to 128, and revenue skyrocketed from $2.5 million to $16 million. In mid-1981, Bill Gates and Allen incorporated Microsoft, and Gates was named president and chairman of the board. Allen became the executive vice president.

Bill Gates Net Worth

Bill Gates, who is known to be the second richest person in the world, has an estimated net worth of $102.3 billion as of December 2022.

Gates primarily spends his billions on charity through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, also planning to give away most of his fortune.

Gates has some indulgences like a $125 million worth of Washington estate, a private jet, and also a collection of luxury cars that make up just a fraction of his massive fortune.

Gates and his wife have also pledged to donate the bulk of their fortune through the Giving Pledge, which they launched in 2010.