Influencer Marketing: Does It Really Work?

Including an influencer in your brand strategy is an opportunity to reach a specific audience, especially here in Peru where 44% of users on social networks follow an influencer, according to a survey conducted by the multinational market research company and consultant (Ipsos) in 2019. But adding them to your marketing strategy cannot be taken lightly. There must be a prior investigation of possible collaborations that a certain influencer could have with your brand.

Influencer marketing has an objective for brands and that is that through these people they can be humanized, especially with brands that still do not form a community on social networks. It greatly helps brand engagement and allows you to take your content to other platforms in a more organic way. The entire strategy behind it should be based on planning the message and its objective, the rest is provided by the influencer.

Do you want to apply influencer marketing to your brand? First, there are some points that must be clarified on how to choose the right influencer, country regulations and how to direct a strategy from this third party without sounding like a sale. Because sometimes there are people who confuse the great organic potential that an influencer can have for the brand and make wrong content with very commercial messages. So let's define:

What is influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing is advertising that is done through collaborations with people who influence a certain community on social networks. The content that is transmitted with an influencer will be motivated by the recommendation of a product or service without straying from the idea of ​​telling the story of the brand from their voice, a mixture of what is known as Unboxing.

An influencer manages a number of followers that must be sponsored by the level of interaction of that community. For a few years now, influencer marketing had to become more rigid in order to consider a useful social network account. The reason? Many followers and few interactions. It is important that when choosing an influencer you take into account how committed your community is to him or her. So that you can identify the influencers we will divide them into:

Micro Influencers:

They are the influencers who have a close, participatory and faithful community. Created from the trust that person generated in users, they usually have less than 10,000 followers. This group includes: fans of a subject, specialists, bloggers and all those people who have a very specific range of content, that is, they focus directly on something like: makeup bloggers, doctors, chefs and fans of a lifestyle like veganism. Normally to contact them the treatment is personal and they answer their comments and interactions themselves.

Micro influencers generate a lot of empathy and trust because their content is very “homemade” and they tend to share their lives to a great extent. These are the ones to go for if you want to reach a fairly specific community.


For a character to be considered Influencers, the number of followers does not matter, but the power of conviction that a certain community has. Normally these people manage with more than 50 thousand followers, whose interaction and engagement is very high. Sometimes they usually have representatives and in some cases they manage their accounts themselves.

The National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property of the Peruvian State (INDECOPI) also defines it as: "a person who has some credibility on a given subject and who, given his ability to convince or reach his followers, without necessarily taking into account the number of these, can become a determining component in the decisions that consumers make in the market.


Celebrities are public figures who have become famous for great achievements in music, sports, and television. They are the characters who already have credibility for considering themselves an artist and therefore are more likely to be recognized globally and regionally. In general, a character of this magnitude has a team that helps him run his networks and his level of engagement can be even higher than the other previous ones if the personality exercises it frequently.

Here you can download the guide on digital advertising and recommendations for influencers from INDECOPI. A guide whose main objective is to guide the correct exercise of digital advertising practices, with a special focus on influencer advertising in Peru.

Types of digital content that an Influencer can make

The formats can be varied, but the most used by influencers are video as it allows them to be closer to their followers. However, there are ways to show or talk about your product to empathize from the experience they have had, which can be very helpful during the content strategy. For this, social media formats such as Instagram Live, stories and Facebook Live can be very helpful. But these terms can also be referred to:

Unboxing, a term that began to be used since 2006 according to Wikipedia and that refers to showing a product with a video that reveals the entire journey to take it out of its box and show the product from when the influencer receives it to showing their ways of use. They are usually continuous and name the brand or how it has worked for them according to their use.

According to the INDECOPI Guide, unboxing is defined as follows: "sharing on social networks the process of unpacking and/or revealing products, services and/or experiences offered by the brand/advertiser and which have been sent by the latter to an influencer, in the framework of an advertising strategy”.

In such a way that to make this type of content the influential person must have previously tried the product and have made sure as a brand collaborator that it is something real. The genuineness of this act is paramount, to prevent it from becoming a kind of misleading advertising.

Record using the product: Short videos that show the person using a certain product or service for a good period of time. Where, in addition, brands are usually tagged so that the people captured can go directly to their main page. In the case of services such as specialists and restaurants, short videos, photos of the dishes while attending the place and content with fun activities are usually added.

The key to this content is creativity, which although sometimes they leave it to the influencer, it is necessary to have an allied marketing agency to help them plan the influencer marketing strategy.

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