What does a marketing manager do?

The person in charge of marketing management can have different functions depending on the type of company, the size of the team in charge, the objectives that the company pursues, among many other aspects.

Broadly speaking, we can say that the role of a marketing manager "is more than directing the creation of content: you need someone who can balance a creative marketing strategy with the details of the projects and the necessary business results.

Thus, some of the areas in which a marketing manager works are:

      Content Marketing and SEO

      Social Media Marketing

      video marketing

      Paid Marketing (SEM)

      offline marketing

      growth marketing

      inbound marketing

What are the functions of a marketing manager?

The main functions and competencies of a marketing manager have to do with providing guidance to the people of the marketing team, to maintain a continuous work rate and progressively monitoring all facets correctly.

Similarly, marketing managers must meet the requirements and goals established by the company or organization. For example, if the company's goal is to sell 2,000 copies of a product in 2 weeks, then an effective strategic marketing plan will be required to meet the deadline.

But, as we said before, the functions and tasks of a marketing manager can vary substantially from one company to another. Therefore, let's see some of the activities that a marketing manager usually does:

      Supervise and manage strategic means.

      Develop advertising strategies and campaigns.

      Be responsible for the brand's marketing and communication strategy to achieve sales growth.

      Supervision of advertising agencies, media, social networks and public relations.

      Constant monitoring of the competitive position of the brand.

      Responsibility in the development of the comprehensive digital strategy of the brand and the implementation of the CRM.

      Propose social media strategies.

      Be in charge of launching new products.

      Convey the positioning of the brand through digital media.

      Supervise creative processes (content generation, graphic design, audiovisual production, among others).

      Measure and report on the performance of marketing campaigns.

What is the work process of a marketing manager like?

According to the Indeed website, this is the typical process a marketing manager goes through:

1. Define the objectives

One of the most important things a marketing manager does is define the objectives. It is a 100% strategic stage in which, in addition, you must plan promotional activities according to the previously established sales and business objectives.

According to Maria Florencia Victorero, professor of the Media Plan and Digital Strategy course, “the objectives of a digital marketing strategy are established taking into account the general objectives of the company. Likewise, the marketing department must define its own objectives, those it deems necessary, in order to comply with the general plan of the company”.

2. Analyze the market

In order to develop the action plan, the marketing manager needs to know the market and the context of the company in detail. To do this, this professional is in charge of collecting and analyzing information on supply and demand in the market, the profile of competing companies and their business strategies, the socioeconomic situation of the context, among other aspects.

3. Define the target audience

Almost simultaneously with the previous step, the target audience identification process takes place. To do this, one of the actions that a marketing manager does is define his buyer persona, in addition to developing an action plan to carry out opinion polls and one-on-one interviews.

4. Make strategic decisions

With the objectives set, the market analyzed and the public defined, it is time for the marketing manager to start making fundamental strategic decisions for the business.

Thus, this professional, usually in collaboration with senior management executives, must determine the renowned 4 Ps of marketing:

      Price: It is the amount of money that consumers would be willing to pay for the product and the way in which the commercial exchange will take place.

      Product: is the conceptualization of the offer of the type of object, service or idea to satisfy a consumer need.

      Place: refers to the marketing channels of the product and the logistics related to its distribution.

      Promotion: these are the communication and marketing strategies that will be applied.

5. Determine the action plan

Next, the marketing manager must design the action plan to follow, based on everything previously found out. In this step, you must assign the responsibilities and tasks that each person in the marketing team will have, as well as establish the steps for each action and the metrics to later measure the results.

Also, you must determine, in greater detail than in the previous step, the communication channels and promotion strategies used, as well as the marketing budget.

This is one of the most important tasks that a marketing manager does, since it outlines the path to follow in the short, medium and long term.

6. Implement the strategy

Once the marketing plan is ready and has been approved by the company authorities, it is time to implement it. In this instance, the marketing leader will be in charge of supervising the actions and guiding his team to achieve the expected objectives.

7. Measure the results

The last step in this process is the measurement of the results. For this, it is important that the metrics established above are taken into account and that periodic evaluations are carried out to control how the different actions are performing.

One of the responsibilities of the marketing manager is, precisely, to establish modifications in the action plan when he deems necessary. In other words, if an action is not performing as expected, this professional must propose the necessary adjustments.

What are the skills of a marketing manager?

A marketing manager must have certain professional skills that allow him to have a broad and focused vision of the work he wants to develop.

These are the main skills of a marketing manager:

      have social skills

      Be reliable and ambitious.

      Have a flexible and creative mindset.

      Know how to work under pressure.

      Have a strategic vision.

      Know how to manage projects.

      Have a commercial and analytical profile.

      Know how to identify opportunities.

      Manage time effectively.

      Have intrapersonal, oral and written communication skills.

      Have negotiation skills and business mentality.