The 9 most common people manipulation techniques: How to identify them?

The best way to defend yourself from psychological manipulation is to know what the main techniques of this type of abuse are. Discover which are the most common and how to deal with them.

Although we are not aware of it, we have all used manipulation at one time or another. Even so, people who use them constantly often do so with the intention of harming others. In these cases, it can be useful to know how to detect the main manipulation techniques. What are the most common?

What is manipulation?

Manipulation refers to the act of trying to influence the emotions of others so that they act in a specific way or feel a certain thing. Although it is common in interpersonal relationships in a subtle way, when manipulation techniques are used to obtain certain benefits, this implies an unhealthy attitude.

Main manipulation techniques

In the event that you think or believe that someone is manipulating you, it is important that you learn to identify the most common manipulation techniques:

  1. Using an intense emotional connection to control behavior: That is, a manipulative person may try to get close to others to get what they really want from them. In fact, you can use this attention to make her feel indebted.
  2. Using a person's insecurities: A tactic to be able to manipulate people is precisely trying to make them more insecure about what they perceive as defects.
  3. Lying and denial: Manipulators can bombard victims with their lies. The moment they are caught, they can deny this lie or cover it up with false information.
  4. Generalize: Another of the most common manipulation techniques is when a defect or mistake of the other person is generalized to make them feel bad. For example, it is difficult to respond to a 'never' or 'never' accusation. These types of accusations are often more difficult to dispute.
  5. Changing the subject: When arguing, people who use manipulation techniques often change the subject when they see that they are cornered or when they do not feel comfortable talking about something that affects them.
  6. Using fear to control others: People who are manipulative may use your fears to try to control you. For example, they can take actions that they know perfectly well affect you as a way of threatening you.
  7. Passive Aggression: Passive aggression is a way of expressing disgust or anger without directly expressing emotions or feelings. That is, instead of communicating it, people simply act angry towards others.
  8. Gaslighting: Involves making people feel confused about an event that really happened. Therefore, this manipulation technique makes people doubt whether something had happened or not.
  9. Recruit other people: Manipulators often influence the social circle in such a way that they can use others to increase control over a person.

These are some of the main manipulation techniques that people can use to influence other people. If you feel that someone is using them with you and it is affecting you, it is important that you go to a professional psychologist.

What is psychological manipulation used for?

Not all people who manipulate have a bad intention towards others, even in some cases where very intense damage is caused. Some of the most common causes for which people manipulate are the following:

      Lack of communication skills: Some people may find it difficult to express their feelings, emotions and thoughts. Others may have learned manipulation due to their upbringing.

      Narcissistic Personality Disorder: This disorder involves using others as an end, that is, to get what they want.

      Fear: People may use manipulation techniques because they feel a fear of being abandoned by others. This usually happens in couples who have been dating for many years.

      Defensive attitude: Manipulation can be a method to avoid guilt. In this way, some people may avoid guilt as a way to control or abuse others and others out of fear of being judged due to low self-esteem.

      Low self-esteem: Some people may use manipulation techniques because they suffer from low self-esteem. These tactics are used to try to feel better about themselves.

How not to be manipulated?

Manipulators are often subtle and cunning people, but you can still work to prevent these abuses through the following tips:

      Recognize the signs: People who manipulate often exhibit very similar behaviors. For example, they are often too close from the start, make empty promises, or may try to make you feel guilty.

      Be aware of your emotions: Evoking strong emotions is one of the most effective ways to manipulate others. In fact, people who use manipulation can often play on your emotions, but you must remember that you are the one in control of how you feel.

      Stay calm: Maintaining emotional control is important so that manipulators cannot use your feelings against you. Therefore, you should try to appear as calm as possible before the different manipulation techniques.

      Avoid personalizing: Although manipulation can be harmful, it is important to try to internalize that this type of behavior has nothing to do with you. Manipulation often has more to do with the person and their inability to meet their own needs in a healthy way.

      Respect your limits: People who tend to use manipulation techniques constantly tend to have difficulties listening to the other person or feel that they are being manipulated. Before someone who manipulates it is vital to control our limits and enforce them.

      Talk it over with someone you trust: It can be emotionally draining and hurtful to deal with someone who is manipulative. Talking to a close friend or family member about what you are experiencing or feeling about the manipulation will make it easier for you to confront this person.