What is the Chassis number or VIN Number and where do I find it?

The Chassis number or VIN Number is a unique identification code, by which manufacturers can identify their units produced worldwide. This number is also used to register cars at transportation offices, and to record a vehicle's history.

Are there two or more vehicles with the same VIN number or Chassis Number?

The chassis number is like a fingerprint. There is no possibility of more than one vehicle with the same chassis number. This is also used for car registration, warranties, theft tracking, and identification with insurers.

This VIN number or chassis number has 17 digits which we will explain in detail.

What about a chassis number if it's not 17 digits?

When a VIN number is less than 17 digits, it is a car model whose year of manufacture is less than 1981. Before this year, chassis numbers were variable and ranged from 11 to 17 digits.

How to decode or translate a VIN Number

Global Manufacturer Identifier

In the first 3 (Three) numbers is the Manufacturer Identification Number (WMI). But if a manufacturer produces less than 500 vehicles in a one year period then 9 is assigned to the third digit and positions 12 to 14 (Production number is assigned) indicate the second part of the WMI.


The first digit in the VIN indicates the country of origin of the vehicle or the final site where it was assembled. Usually, this is the country where the car is produced, however in Europe, it may be the country where the main factory is located.


The second digit in the chassis number or VIN indicates the manufacturer and the region where the car was produced.

Vehicle Type

The third digit indicates the type of vehicle e.g. Van, SUV, car, Truck.

Vehicle Description Section (VDS)

Digits 4 to 9 make up the Vehicle Description Section (VDS), it is individual for each manufacturer and describes particular specifications of the car model (bodywork, type of engine, transmission).

Check Digit

The ninth digit, called the verification digit, is used to detect invalid VINs based on a mathematical formula from the Bureau of Transportation.

Vehicle Identification Section

Digits 10 through 17 indicate the Vehicle Identification Section (VIS). The tenth digit indicates the year.

Assembly plant

The eleventh digit identifies the production plant in which the vehicle was assembled. Each vehicle production plant is assigned its own digit.

Production number Lot

Digits 12 through 17 indicate the serial number. Each plant is assigned according to the production line.

Why is the VIN number important?

The VIN number is important because through it we can know the history and origin of each vehicle. In addition, when you want to buy a used car, this will help us verify that the model is the same as that shown in the documents, since it must match the stamps on the body. This will help us prevent us from buying stolen cars.

In which parts of the vehicle is it located?

In multiple parts of the body of our vehicles we can find the VIN number. Some of them are:

      On panoramic glass or windshield.

      In the engine.

      Under the hood.

      In the fender.

      On the trunk lid.

      On the front step of the first door.

      On one of the front wheels.

What to do if my VIN shows Damage Histories on my vehicle?

Should not be a problem. Initially, you need to be clear and honest with the buyer that your vehicle has a problem or was involved in an accident. This way, you don't have to worry about what the buyer will say when they see the car.

Many people will think that hiding this information about past damage will help and improve your chances of getting a higher deal. However, that is not always the case, and a lot of time could just be a waste of time and a scam for people.

Imagine you have a vehicle involved in a major car accident or flood damage, and you listed it on Craigslist. Then the buyers looked at your car and didn't realize it had a problem, so they decided to meet with you. At the time of the meeting, they immediately realized the vehicle had a problem, and all that time was wasted because the buyer walked away immediately.

So you shouldn't worry too much about any car damage history on your VIN, as long as you're upfront and clear with the buyer. You can even provide details about what the accident involved and what damage was to increase your chances of receiving a fair offer that reflects the current value of your vehicle.

How does sharing your VIN help you when selling your old car?

Many still need clarification on the benefits you can achieve by sharing your VIN when selling a vintage car.

1. Trust established

The first and most important benefit of sharing your VIN when selling your old car is building trust between you and the buyer. Remember that this VN provides the buyer with access to the vehicle's history and any possible repairs or upgrades implemented.

This way, you don't have to worry about anything you're trying to hide or anything critical about the vehicle you're not sharing. Therefore, the first thing that will happen is that the buyer will trust you and have a better chance of negotiating your price while giving you the correct and accurate offer.

2. Avoid fraud

The other thing that sharing the VIN with the buyer will do is prevent fraud. Many buyers are very concerned about buying a vehicle that was stolen or salvaged, so by sharing this VIN; you confirmed that you were the legal owner of the vehicle. Therefore, the buyer will be more encouraged to check the vehicle and buy it even if it has some problems.

3. Provide accurate prices

When the lead has access to the VIN, he'll immediately understand why you're asking or listing your asking price. This helps you show that your vehicle is valuable and does not have any major issues that you are hiding. Also, the VI could be excellent proof of any upgrades, upgrades, or potential repairs you've made to the vehicle.