Laminates for Healthier Homes: Everyday Benefits of Sainik Laminates

Crafting a healthy home (or any indoor area) benefits the living or working conditions of its inhabitants. Contrary to popular belief, the process of establishing a healthy indoor space is more straightforward than commonly assumed, requiring less effort and financial resources than anticipated. After this, similar to how people have started choosing environment friendly and non toxic flooring, paint and furniture, laminates are also gradually finding their place in many houses due to their versatility and being eco friendly. Nevertheless, most laminate brands have the capacity to emit unhealthy volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into your indoor environment for several years after installation.

Thus, to minimise possible adverse health effects and provide improved air quality for grown-ups and kids, it is crucial to choose laminates with the low VOC emissions rating. Sainik Laminates of Century Ply which is one of the best laminate collections that has zero chemical content and hence is totally safe for use is a product that can guarantee the total safety of the house and the health of the family. Wondering how? Then, read the everyday’s benefits of it below!

The Countless Everyday Benefits of Sainik Laminates

Sainik Laminates has carved out a prominent position in the realm of interior design by offering adaptability in design, diverse texture collections, exciting features, and affordable solutions. To grasp the significance of this game-changing laminate collection from Century Ply, it is crucial to delve into its attributes. Here are some handpicked benefits to convince homeowners:

1.     Triple Shield Technology:

Sainik Laminates is fortified with advanced technology that safeguards it against damage caused by three different types of microorganisms. By eradicating 99.9% of microbes, bacteria, and fungi, it establishes a hygienic surface for working and touching. Moreover, the sterilized area covered by this laminate collection guarantees the safety and health of seniors, children, and individuals with compromised immune systems. This allows you to move freely in a germ-free environment throughout the day.

2.     Stain Resistance:

It is common for colours, drinks, food items, and other substances to cause spills and stains. These can harbour fungi and microorganisms that may harm health if left without maintenance. Keeping this in mind, Sainik Laminates are engineered with a special chemical coating that makes it easy to wipe off any kind of stain, keeping the look of the house and its occupants healthy for a long time.

3.     Crack Resistance:

Century Ply’s team has made significant technological advancements evident in the durability and strength of Sainik Laminates, particularly in their resistance to cracks. This quality benefits customers as it allows for easy cutting, handling, and application without the concern of cracks or damage to the entire sheet and reduces installation loss. Moreover, it prevents kids from getting hurt from cracks when playing, keeping them safe indoors.

4.     Boiling Waterproof:

The exceptional quality of these laminates allows them to be used in high-moisture areas due to their waterproof nature. Customers can perform a 72-hour test comparing them to standard laminates to determine which deteriorates more quickly in boiling water. Ultimately, customers will discover that only Sainik Laminates can withstand boiling water tests, making them ideal for bathrooms and kitchens. Moreover, this feature also helps protect the household's health by stopping the growth of pests, microorganisms, fungi, and molds that can cause health issues.

5.     Dimensional Stability and Uniform Sanding:

The close bonding of the layers in Sainik Laminates for the home is achieved through uniform sanding, which enhances surface adhesion. Additionally, the laminates' significant thickness serves as a protective barrier against severe weather conditions, ensuring their resilience. Now, families can be safe and healthy inside the house from fluctuating weather conditions.


As we look toward the future of healthy homes, it is evident that cutting-edge materials and trends are instrumental in creating living spaces that promote well-being. Indoor air quality, sustainability, and health-conscious design are increasingly important factors in selecting laminates. Considering these factors when investing in laminates can significantly benefit our personal health and living environment. Therefore, choose Sainik Laminates to make the homes of tomorrow beautiful while nurturing physical a