The relationship between spirituality, purpose, and recovery

Spirituality has become a much-discussed topic in recent years. And no longer is it used exclusively in the world of religion. Nowadays, the definition of spirituality is a little more vague but its benefits are not. 

One of the biggest benefits is the way spirituality can aid recovery but the link between the two comes in the form of purpose, life goals, and discovering the meaning of life. This article will explore the relationship between spirituality, purpose, and recovery.  

What is spirituality?

Spirituality means different things to different people. Part of your spiritual journey is finding out what works for you. Over the years, the definition of spirituality has changed to encompass more areas.

Originally, spirituality was closely linked to religion, and the definition of spirituality would usually refer to a greater being existing above us. However modern definitions will refer to areas like personal growth and life purpose. Student Health describes spiritual well-being as the ability to establish meaning and purpose in our lives.

How is spirituality linked to purpose?

If you find yourself at a life crossroads, the solution often lies in trying to find a renewed purpose in your life. 

Activities to help you find purpose

Setting time aside to focus on yourself, your goals, and your purpose in life sounds complex. But an enhanced focus on your spiritual side can be as simple as taking a walk, filling in a diary, or joining a new community.


Yoga has long been used in the spiritual world. It combines both physical and mental exercises to help promote peace, clarity, and tranquillity. When it comes to spirituality and purpose, participating in yoga can be a great way to reduce heart rate and anxiety, providing you with a clearer frame of mind. This gives you the perfect base to delve deep into your goals, problems, and ambitions. 

Walking or exercising

Many journalists and thought leaders have explored the relationship between walking and brain activity. If you’re a regular walker, you’ll often find that your best ideas or your most creative thoughts come during a walk. 

Similarly, gym goers and keen exercisers will often speak about the impact that regular activity has on the mind as well as the body. Both walking and more physical exercise promote the release of endorphins, feel-good chemicals that naturally improve our mood. If you’re looking for an increased sense of purpose, increasing your general day-to-day mood can be the perfect starting point.

Using a diary or journal

Filling in a diary or journal can be a good way to document your spiritual journey. It can also be a great way to remember to ask yourself important questions relating to your purpose. Try answering these questions at the end of every week or month:

• What do you want to achieve?

• What’s on your bucket list?

• When are you happiest?

• What do you believe in?

Joining a group or community

For some, solo activities create the best environment for deep thinking. But for others, group activities can provide a better solution. If this sounds like you, joining a group or community 

How can spirituality and purpose help with recovery?

Becoming more in touch with your spiritual side, and finding a renewed sense of purpose can benefit anyone. But those who have the most to gain might be those who are undergoing some form of recovery.

Spirituality and Addiction Recovery

Spirituality can play an important part in the recovery from addiction. Some of the most harmful but also common addictions include:

• Tobacco

• Alcohol

• Sex

• Drugs

• Gambling

Many people turn to the things mentioned above when they feel their life has no purpose or direction. So setting time aside to focus on spiritual activities can be a great way to aid your recovery from addiction.

For many, joining a group of fellow recoverers can be a great way to escape your addiction in a social environment. It may also put you on the path to helping others which will add a whole new purpose and may open up doors to an unknown passion. 

Spirituality and Surgery Recovery

Whether you’re recovering from life-saving surgery at Mayo Clinic or cosmetic surgery in Manchester, introducing spirituality to your life can aid with your recovery. An enhanced spiritual focus can improve physical health and mood, but when it comes to surgery recover, you may also benefit from increased resilience, and determination to make a full recovery. Being in touch with your spiritual side and being clear on your purpose will increase your mood on tougher days.

For some patients, recovery is a life-and-death situation, and whether you introduce spirituality through religion or through intrinsic means, it can be a great way to boost morale, confidence, and strength at a time when belief is likely to be at its lowest.