Could Your HVAC System Impact Your Health?

Have you ever been continuously ill, and no matter the diet and lifestyle changes you make, there is still something lingering that you can’t figure out? I’ve read countless experiences of individuals whose health has been declining because of poor quality and an uncleaned air conditioning unit. 

It’s not uncommon that some people who may have rented a new flat, first-time homeowners, and so forth aren’t aware of the necessary upkeep with an HVAC system and unknowingly are making themselves unwell. If you happen to suffer from any of these side effects, I would change the filter of your HVAC system immediately or consult with an air conditioning in Yorkshire.

Poor Air Quality

The number one issue of people becoming unwell is breathing in poor air, which can lead to a number of health issues and the prevention of such health issues getting better. This could include a chesty cough or triggering your allergies. The filter within an air conditioning unit traps and catches all the dirt and dust within the air so only clean and purified air is pushed through. When the filter is full, you are pushing all the dust and dirt-filled air back into the room, creating poor air quality and an unhealthy cycle that will get trapped within your lungs.

This could trigger illness and prevent individuals from getting better. In order to clean your air, you need to regularly change the filter. Depending on your current health issues, you might change this more frequently than others but every couple of months it’s recommended. Be sure to check with the model's guidance and go from there.

Hot and Cold Fluctuations

Subjecting yourself to different extremes of hot and cold air can send your body into a stressful state, making it easier to catch things like the common cold and flu and even suffer from heat stroke in these cases. This might be due to your own doing; more commonly, it’s due to a broken HVAC system that, without your control, can send out freezing cold air one day and then boiling hot air another. I would recommend you enquire about a repair as soon as possible.

Carbon Monoxide

A very dangerous gas that is known as the silent and deadly killer. It can come from faulty heating systems and cause headaches and dizziness and in severe cases, a lack of neutral airflow can cause death. This makes it imperative to not only have carbon monoxide alarms checked regularly but also your HVAC systems. It’s recommended that these systems be checked at least once a year.

Wrong Humidity Levels

Your HVAC system does more than just heat and cool down your home but also controls how dry and damp that air is. Having air that is too damp can in turn create moisture throughout your home, causing damp smells throughout your home and additionally, giving mould a perfect environment to thrive. If it creates really dry air this can affect your skin, creating dry, itchy, and irritated skin, which is not comfortable or enjoyable for anyone.